Chemistry Lectures

WrongAnswer™ Generator

  A resource provided by Nick DeMello, Ph.D.

This instructional resource generates multiple choices for use in building quiz questions. It is designed to support questions that require dimensional analysis, like stoichiometry calculations. Enter the factors for your your dimensional analysis, indicating if any are exact numbers. Then hit the "make mistakes" button.

Multiple wrong answer choices will be generated randomly from those factors (click again if you don't like an answer set). Choices will include common errors students make, like whether factors are applied in the numerator instead of denominator or leaving out an important factor. Optionally mistakes in the number of significant figures can be introduced. Providing a large number of choices this way creates a more effective assessment and discourages students from guessing when they should be calculating.

Factors left blank will be treatd as unity. Use "e" for scientific notation. If you request more answers than the max number of variations, the program will introduce additional simple factors to try and fill the answer space without duplication.

Build how many choices?

SigFig errors?

Prefix?    Postfix?

Include units? (optional) 

Use Standard Notation?

Set Solution for Correct Answer
 ×   ÷  exact #   

 ×   ÷  exact #   

 ×   ÷  exact #   

 ×   ÷  exact #   

 ×   ÷  exact #   

 ×   ÷  exact #   

 ×   ÷  exact #   

 ×   ÷  exact #   

Generate Choices:    (it's how we learn)


Multiple other choices:


Dimensional Analysis DeMello
Disclaimer: this program is an attempt to explore significant figure algorithms. That logic is not perfect. Yet.

ChemLectures™ © 1992-2024 provided by Nick DeMello Ph.D.